PRITAM LAMA, Gyalshing 10 Jan: A two-day workshop on entry-level community-based tourism got underway today at Yuksam, Gyalshing district, inaugurated by Gyalshing Zilla Adhakshya DS Limboo. The workshop, organized by the Department of Tourism & Civil Aviation, is being funded by the World Bank under the Sikkim INSPIRES project and is supported by Buddha Jyoti Service Enterprise and Sikkim United Tourism Organisation [SUTO].
Dr Jigmie Wangchuk, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Tourism, Sikkim University, Sonam Gyamtso Bhutia, Senior Research Fellow, SU, Dr Jeckme Namgyal Bhutia, Team Leader, Sonam Dorjee Lepcha, Project Investigator, were present as resource persons today.
The event follows the launch of a baseline survey and community-based needs assessment by Tshering T Bhutia, Minister Tourism & Civil Aviation Department.
The workshop is being attended by tourism stakeholders, KNP officials, Gram Panchayats, staff from TIC Pelling, SHG members, line department officials, and local stakeholders.
Sikkim INSPIRES (Integrated Service Provision and Innovation for Reviving Economies) is aimed at boosting economic inclusion of women and youth.
Resource person from the Tourism Department, Deepa Gurung, Tourism Officer, elaborated on the aims and objectives of the Sikkim INSPIRES project and highlighted various initiatives under the project. Ankit Sood, Chungchungla Bhutia and Ranjana Rai from the technical support agency also addressed the event.
The workshop focuses on community-based need assessments. Around 100 stakeholders have registered and are participating in the workshop.
An open discussion was held during the day in which participants put forth their valuable suggestions and ideas for the effective execution and implementation of the project.